God, help me to not react and help me to not repress.
Help me to dialogue with what arises in relationship in a clear direct and strong way - and
Help me to dialogue with what arises in relationship in a clear direct and strong way - and
In a gentle and compassionate way.
Remind me that we are all your children.
We are all fragile and we are all learning the same truth.
I speak my truth like a lion and wholeheartedly seek to hear, feel and understand
I speak my truth like a lion and wholeheartedly seek to hear, feel and understand
The truth of another.
My truth is peace and clarity.
My truth is unconditional love for myself and for another.
My truth is the insatiable quest for the truth.
My truth is unconditional love for myself and for another.
My truth is the insatiable quest for the truth.
I acknowledge my pain and my confusion and my weakness.
I see no other as the cause of anything that arises from within me.
I see no other as the cause of anything that arises from within me.
I open up wider and wider and wider to hug as many emotions a day like amma does for people.
I communicate what i feel. I feel what i communicate. For this I strive and pray.
I offer compassion for myself and all my relations as we struggle with remembering.
I ask for support where i cannot do this on my own.
I open my heart to see the truth over and over again.
I desire to rest in the truth, in the all encompassing peace of God's love.
I start now
By bringing peace to all that arises.
The mountain top vistas of clarity and insight are just around the corner
Of all the bumpy rocks and tricky edges along the journey.
This journey of peace is the path through
The uneven sidewalks.
The unseen potholes.
The puddles that muddle my clothing.
I trust this journey so deeply and intend to keep on going!
To keep on writing poetry, to keep on singing, to keep on pushing my edges
Into a new places of expansion.
To find grace in those darn potholes.
To wash my clothing, agai
To keep on communicating, looking inside, listening, loving.
I am committed to love above all else.
I love above all else.